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Construction Sites

All Risks

The risk exposures involved in construction can result in expensive project delays and incur liabilities that have an impact on bottom lines. This adaptable solution may meet your demands whether you're a principle, developer, or contractor. For instance, you may buy a stand-alone "single-risk project" policy or bundle it with other liabilities for more coverage.

Features of insurance

Insurance plans are designed for project owners and contractors to manage the risk of indemnification and in connection with contract terms.
Covers for loss or damage to contract work, interior work, construction work, including liability to third parties as a result of such loss.


Standard coverage

  • Protect your workers from operational risks with workers' compensation

  • You can customize coverage and premiums to your company's needs

  • Covers loss or damage brought on by the contractor during operations performed in order to fulfill the contract's obligations during the maintenance period

Premium rate
Subject to consideration from the insurance department


More Information

• Costs of Constructions

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